Saturday, June 4, 2011

Assignment 3.3

I believe this article was very interesting and it touched on a lot of controversial issues when it comes to learning. The first issue I would like to address can be found in the first paragraph of the article where the author discusses the various methods that educators implement in order to assess the individual learning style of their students. Some of the methods implemented consisted of surveys and test, and I personally do not believe these methods always accurately reflect the actual learning style of students. I believe this because it is possible for students to lie on these assessments or they may have inaccurate perceptions about how they actually learn. I also think that anytime you label a person to learn in a certain way you close the door to other possibilities. I don't think you should limit a learner to a specific learning style because depending on the subject matter or situation it may be best for the learner to learn in another way or combination of learning styles. The author also hints that racism may play a factor in regards to learning style theories and I believe that this is not outside the realm of possibility. As educators I believe that it is important to remember that we may often deal with people from all walks of life with various ethnic, religious, gender, and economic background. One of my hobbies consist of bodybuilding and at one point I heard it described as an egotistical sport meaning it was selfish and all about personal self interest. I like to think about education in the same light. It is an ego driven sport. I believe there is a such thing as healthy selfishness or personal self-interest. Selfishness is not always a negative thing, however when educators who are placed in a position of authority are too selfish it may be detrimental to their students as well as themselves. A selfish educator is incapable of accurately acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of his/her students or unwilling and allows the entire burden of the education process to lie entirely on the student. An unselfish educator willingly acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses of his/her students and tries their best to address and meet each students individual strengths and needs. I understand that at times this may not be possible because of the teacher to student ratio and time restraints, but I do not think it would be wise for educators not to put forth an effort.

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