When I begin to reflect back on this course and think about what I’ve learned I realize that I am predominately an auditory learner. I actually enjoy lectures, discussions, and independent work when it comes to learning new information.
I could improve my learning more by creating some sort of way to interact with the new information being presented. For instance if I were in a lecture I could actively take notes while the speaker is speaking and ask questions about anything that I don’t understand in order to gain a better understanding. I could also highlight important text and phrases in text books or other reading material when conducting required reading assignments and rephrasing new information into my own words.
Knowing that I’m primarily an auditory learner with some visual and tactile learning characteristics make me feel better prepared to learn new information. I believe having these learning abilities make me stronger as a learner because I have more than one way to learn. I can incorporate these new learning strategies to process new information. I can develop a daily habit of highlighting text and phrases while reading. I can also learn to engage in conversation with my peers about the new information in order to become more familiar and comfortable with the material.
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